As the cyber world evolves, how can you protect clients’ needs to evolve as well?
Join our Microsoft 365 partner – SMX for an exclusive partner update to learn how to move customers towards cyber secure resilience. Learn how SMX’s email security products can protect your business from phishing attacks, malware, and other email-borne threats.
Take a deep dive into SMX products to understand how SMX can allow you and your customers to have finer control over how to protect your customers.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction: Welcome and brief overview of SMX
- Why Email Security Matters: The importance of protecting your business from email threats
- Microsoft 365 and SMX 365: How our products work together to keep your email safe
- Point of Difference: How SMX differs from other third-party competitors
- Key Features of SMX 365 Email Security: Understanding the benefits of our solution
- Customer Success Stories: Real-world examples of how SMX email security has helped other businesses
- Pricing and Implementation: How to get started with SMX 365 and Microsoft Office
- Q&A: Your chance to ask Us anything about SMX cybersecure offerings